Thursday, October 17, 2013

Manangement Tip of the Day :Tips on Having Difficult Conversations

THE MANAGEMENT TIP OF THE DAY: Harvard Business Review
HBR :October 17, 2013

Don't Delay That Tough Conversation Any Longer

It's often difficult to have conversations about sensitive subjects. 
Whether you need to tell someone you disagree with her approach or are upset by her behavior, it's all too easy to put it off in hopes of finding the "perfect time." 
Chances are, that time will never come.
 You'll be better off if you stop procrastinating and make the conversation happen.
 Request a time to meet. 
Use a non-threatening medium, such as email or voicemail, to ask what time would be best to discuss a sensitive matter. 
You'll likely still worry before you sit down with the person, but by framing the conversation upfront, you'll have taken some of the charge out of it.

Adapted from "How to Overcome Communication Fears" by JD Schramm.

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