Friday, December 9, 2011

Become an expert in Gmail – Part 1

Source : Gadget Guru :7 Dec 2011

For many internet users, Gmail is sure to be a very familiar name in their daily lives. Most of the users have a Gmail account with which they access the e-mails daily. Gmail also gives users a clear indication of all those who are online and are available for chat. But the reality is that there are many shortcuts as well as tricks that users still don’t know.
Unless you are not ready to explore the amazing user friendly features especially in the new Gmail interface that has been launched, you cannot claim yourself as a Gmail Expert at all! Let’s have an in-depth look what Gmail holds for the user.
As of now its better to understand mainly two features in Gmail. One is the Tweaking of Gmail’s Lay out as well as mouse shortcuts that are provided.
Gmail’s New Layout: Most of the users across the world have accepted with a cool head the latest Gmail interface. The new layout has enhanced the users with more possibilities for customization. More importance has been given to the inbox feature giving it a bold look. And the important message in the inbox will be starred representing the number of e-mails the users have sent to the person at the other end.
The fact is that for many old users of Gmail, switching to the new Gmail layout might have given some sort of dissatisfaction as far as the space efficiency of the older one is compared.
For the users who require the density of the old layout, it is possible by following the below mentioned steps that include;
  • Go to the Settings option that is present on the extreme right side of the inbox column.
  • Users can see three options namely
    • Comfortable.
    • Cozy.
    • Compact.
For those users who wanted the old density layout, choosing the compact option will do the job. Where as choosing Cozy is a combination of Comfortable as well as Compact.
One of the greatest advantages of this new Gmail layout is that it has the capability to automatically adjust the density if the user is having a small screen and the browser is not maximized.
The Inbox has been given a big boost in the new Gmail layout with users now able to see the most important e-mails at a glance. Now the users have the option to split the inbox in to a few different blocks. The users can now mark the message as unread, starred as well as important messages in its own separate little box. The latest feature that is provided includes the presence of a Priority Inbox layout that places the important messages at the top.
Mouse Shortcuts: By clicking the mouse for each and every step can prove to be time consuming at times. To eliminate this, shortcuts are provided. It can be mainly classified in to two
  • Drag and Drop Labels.
  • Shift-click to select multiple messages.
Drag and Drop Labels: Most of the users will be surprised to know that applying labels is now tougher in the latest Gmail layout than the previous one. Now the users have to check the message and then select the label and finally have to press the Apply button that is present at the bottom. But it can be done somewhat easier with a mouse.
With the help of a mouse, users can just drag the label from the left on to the message itself. If the users wish to prefer the labels more like folders, then users will have to drag a message from left row to the label that will ultimately remove it from your inbox.
Shift-click in order to select more than one message: This is one of the most user-friendly features that are present in the new Gmail layout. Unlike the older version in which the users have to check each message box in order to select a number of messages, in the newer Gmail layout, users just have checkmark the top most one and then press shift and hold on to the shift button.
Finally the user will have to checkmark the box present at the bottom simultaneously keeping hold of the shift button. This results in the selection of all the messages.This series of articles will continue and we will come with more tips and tricks to understand gmail better

How technology will help in your daily work outs?

Source  :   Gadget Guru  :Gizbot :9 Dec 2011

Technology is definitely at its peak with significant advancements at almost every sector across the industry. It has reached a level where people can’t think another day without technology making presence in their everyday lives.
Now we can have many apps that have been specifically designed in order to meet the daily work outs. Brief description regarding the advanced apps that is available in the international market is described as follows. Let’s take a closer look in to the facts as well as advantages of using these apps.
Some of the most popular apps that have been designed specifically in order to meet the daily work outs include:
  • Endomondo.
  • RunKeeper.
  • IMuscle.
  • Nike Training Club.
  • Calorie Tracker.
Endomondo: Endomondo is one of the most popular apps that come with the following functionalities
  • Mapping and recording of the physical activity of the user with the help of GPS.
  • It helps in providing the routes that you follow so that your friends can provide you a pep talk along the way if possibly they can meet you as the application will indicate your present location.
Data Collection is also considered to be one of the major success factors of this app in the international market. The app functions undisturbed even while you are using other apps which show the reliability as well as stability this app comes with.
RunKeeper: RunKeeper is another popular app that also comes with some path breaking features. Mainly it helps in the posting of results directly to Facebook as well as Twitter. It also helps the users in downloading the route of others. Finding the friends and nearby is also simpler with RunKeeper.
  • One of the latest features that come with this app includes the inclusion of an “auto pause” feature that eliminates the need to stop as well as start the app every time the user stops for a drink or face the red light.
The app has gained so much popularity that both Android as well as iPhone versions allows the users to take photos that appears with
iMuscleIt is one of the most popular apps that are especially used for exercise instructions. The features include a detailed instruction of the body. The users are even capable of designing a workout that depends on the user’s interest especially shoulders, chest as well as biceps.
The app keeps a track record of your progress depending on the number of repetitions as well as weight. The application will cost $1.99 for the iPhone where as it costs $4.99 for the ipads.
Nike Training ClubIt is considered to be one of the perfect apps for every user who are on the road. The features and benefits of using this app include;
  • The presence of training for jump rope.
  • The presence of training for medicine ball.
A couple of dumbbells suffice is also included. The app has been designed especially for the women customers. There are three levels provided. Users can opt for the beginner, intermediate as well as advanced levels.
A built-in video is also provided in order to enhance the users with video instructions regarding the exercise. The app comes in free for the iPhone.
Calorie TrackerThis is an app that has been specifically designed in order to tally your caloric intake. The database in the app is comprised of 6, 25, 000 food as well as restaurant items. The app comes with a price tag of $2.99 for the Apple based iPhone as well as iPad devices.
These are the apps that are especially designed in order to accompany the daily work outs of the users.