Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Management Tip of the Day :Be a Work-Life Role Model

THE MANAGEMENT TIP OF THE DAY: Harvard Business Review


Everyone struggles to find the right balance between work and life.
 As a manager, how you personally handle this challenge influences your team members.
 They are looking to you for signs of what they can and should do. 
Here is how you can set a good example:

  • Be open. Talk candidly about your own challenges and strategies for fitting together your work, family, and personal life. Let your employees see you as more than just a person who works.
  • Appreciate others as whole people. Respect the fact that everyone you work with has a life beyond work. Encourage people to talk about their non-work activities with colleagues.
  • Be willing to experiment. Ask people about what would help improve their ability to achieve work results while also increasing their well-being beyond work. When employees are involved in designing and implementing solutions, they’re more committed to making them work.
Adapted from “The Ripple Effects You Create as a Manager,” by Monique Valcour.

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