Friday, October 31, 2014

The Power Of Failure: We Get To Decide What It Means

We all dream to reach a certain success someday. Because of this we all are afraid of the very same thing failure. But we should understand that we all have to experience some sort of failure in our lives. It is part of growing up and it is part of life itself. Failure does not have to always be seen as something negative. You can decide if a bad situation is really bad or if you see it as part of a work in progress. When you get to see failure in a different perspective, you will see that it has the power to help you to your goal.

Everyone Makes Mistakes

Do not be so hard on yourself whenever you make a mistake or fail at a task. Everyone makes mistakes. Nobody is perfect, remember?  Whenever you face one failure, accept your fault and do something to make things right. Whenver you fail at something, you just have to get up and keep trying. You will get to your goal eventually.

One Day You Will Laugh at This

Some things that bother you now may not seem all that bad after a couple of years. Try to remember some failures you have had in the past that you were so upset about and see if they still have that effect on you now. You may be surprised that the problems you cried about years ago are some things you can laugh about now.

Learn From Your Mistakes

I am not saying that you can brush off every failure and laugh at them.Every mistake is a lesson you have to learn from. As the saying goes, the first time you do wrong is a mistake. If it happens again, then it becomes a choice. Your mistakes and failures make you wiser,.You should be smart enough to know and avoid the reasons that led you to them.

Everything Happens For A Reason

I believe that everything happens for a reason. I used to ask why some bad things have happened in my life. Later on, I find out that one bad event in my life has led me to much greater things that never would have happened if not for some of my failures in the past. Trust that there is a good reason for your failures  and things will turn out fine.

Rome Was Not Built In A Day

No dream or goal is ever easy.  Rome was not built in a day, you know? And with every great success, there have been some failures along the way that led to something great. Your failure now may just be part of a work in progress. Do not give up and do not be afraid to make mistakes. It is all part of the game of life.

No Pain, No Gain

I always say that life is not a bed of roses, but its true. If you really want to succeed or achieve a certain goal, you have to be willing to work hard and sacrifice to get it. The journey to success will have its ups and downs. It will have its share of joy and suffering. And yes, you will encounter failure once in a while. But pain is part of the learning process. Failures and mistakes are experiences that will make you wiser and stronger as you climb the ladder of success.

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