Thursday, March 1, 2012

Interview with Robin Sharma ...

Getmotivation :

Robin Sharma is a leading authority on the topic of leadership and personal growth. He is the author of several international bestsellers including The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari. Robin is the CEO of Sharma Leadership International Inc.

Interview with Robin Sharma ... 

Q. What do you consider your greatest accomplishments in life thus far?

A. I'd have to say my greatest accomplishments are raising my two kids and writing "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari." The former because they have turned out to be such joys and the latter because I really wrote this book from the heart.

Q. What was the turning point in your life when you decided to lead a more inspirational lifestyle?

A. Turning point: I was an overworked litigation lawyer tired of living without a central purpose or meaning to my life. This sense of emptiness and longing caused me to turn to the wisdom literature. Within months of applying the success system I learned, I noticed profound improvements in the quality of my thoughts, my energy levels and in the way I lived.

Q. What people have been instrumental in the way you think about life?

A. My father has been a huge influence on me. He is full of wisdom and has been a great supporter in my career as an author and professional speaker. I also admire Og Mandino, Norman Vincent Peale, Gandhi, Einstein and Mandela for their inspiration.

Q. What advice would you give to people wanting to lead a more inspired life?

A. Best advice: There are four "jewels" to a great life that need to be applied every day: First, get up early. Second, meditate and visualize. Third, read inspirational books for 30 minutes. Fourth, exercise. These four life rituals will transform the way you live and lead you to everything else you need to know, have and be. Trust me on this one.

Q. What would you like people to say about you, Robin Sharma?

A. That he is a man who cares deeply about the welfare of people, that he is truly committed to improving the world in his own small way, that his books and speeches do more than simply inspire - the move people to action and that his "video is aligned with his audio" - in other words, he walks his talk.

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